5 of my favourite books

Book image of Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman image

Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman

Hilarious book about how Richard Feynman lived through his life. It help me realize I didn't have to be serious all the time!

Book image of Own your weird

Own your weird

More weird and quirky adventures, this time with Jason Zook. I love hearing Jason's stories and I wonder how I can make my own unique and weird stories!

Book image of This is marketing.

This is Marketing

I went through the online course instead of the book. It completely reshaped my views on Marketing. Highly recommended if you face a challenge creating and selling your stuff.

Book image of Stillness is the key.

Stillness is the Key

I read through this book twice now. First read: I learned to search for stillness instead of calmness. Big difference!

Second read: I found out I do everything without requesting for help. That's why I feel drained and tired.

Book image of Difficult conversations..

Difficult Conversations

Do you have people you find difficult to talk to? My wife was one such person. This book gave me the techniques to start a proper conversation with her.

Guess what? Everything is got better 😉!